11 St Clair Place
0427 277 803
Jacquie is a gifted facilitator and mentor who assists those she works with to create positive change in their life. Jacquie has a background in Education with 30 years teaching experience. She is an intuitive empath and Reiki healer who works with highly developed skills of active listening and an ability to connect with the persons core being. She has a deep connection to the land and spirit and over the years has participated in ceremony from many traditions.
Jacquie has the ability to clarify and see the unique and whole picture view of a given situation described in a shared conversation and is able to cut though the distractions and gets to the heart of the matter, bringing a wealth of experience from her personal healing and life journey in this life time. She practices active listening and gives her full presence and attention to her clients, with the aim to empower and inspire, giving positive and constructive feedback and sharing insights.
Jacquie joined Conscious Living in 2011. Her role includes customer service, administration, program production; magazine production, and social media. She has trained with George Helou as an EP7 Empowered for Purpose Life Coach and is a trained Wholeview Facilitator.
Jacquie believes in people and their ability to reinvent themselves and their lives. She assists people like you to gain personal empowerment through reshaping and forming new self-talk and beliefs. - There is power in being heard and having someone listen to your story with real attention and desire to listen. Jacquie facilitates and provides a safe place and space free of judgement for the one sharing and walks the journey with them.
Email jacquie@livingpathways.net
MOB: 0427 277 803
Leave a message for Jacquie and share what is on your mind.
11 St Clair Place
0427 277 803